噶陀龍薩寧波是蓮師二十五弟子之一,公元1624年誕生於西康理塘地區,父為貢噶敦珠,母為棍秋卓瑪。 曾在至尊卻炯嘉措、棍秋傑參、大伏藏師敦篤多傑等座下,聞受眾多教授、灌頂、口訣而證悟空性。在世時曾蒞臨噶陀為首的西康的很多地方,並建造五尊加持等同蓮師本身的蓮師聖像,且這些聖像曾有主動傳出非凡法音等等的瑞相顯現。至尊龍薩寧波大師曾給親近信眾傳授了(龍薩多傑寧波成熟教授)為首的各種深廣法門,也挖掘了三身金剛心要伏藏法 、三根本金剛心要等等十六餘種的法類,這些都被噶陀寺與附屬寺院納入實修的主要法門之中;他曾培養索南德贊、佛子兄弟、翁紮西韋色、棍桑俏達倫珠等諸多傑出的弟子。至尊龍薩寧波於公元1692年圓寂,享年68歲,其法體全成舍利蘊,眾人皆視為稀奇的象徵。
十七世紀中葉 仁增龍薩寧波建造發語蓮師像的簡略故事
此聖像不只是整個上、下新龍縣的居民,就連附近鄰縣的許多信眾,都會為了年度的消災、除障而前來朝拜轉繞。特別是許多經過就醫治療仍然無效的病人,紛紛會選擇前來此地朝拜,經由猛力的祈禱並虔誠轉繞後,病情往往都能有明顯的好轉,甚至最終會擺脫病魔而得予痊癒。 聖像要轉繞一千遍才算一輪,通常一位年輕人約需轉繞十二天才能完成一輪。每逢神變月與薩嘎達瓦等殊勝月時,十方信眾紛紛都會前來轉繞,但因為聖殿的空間有限,加上人潮擁擠、摩肩擦踵的緣故,所以有些信眾甚且連腳都無法踏進去。
Kathok Rigzin Longsel Nyingpo
Terton Longsel Nyingpo, the emanation of Langdro Lotsawa, one of Guru Padmasambhava's twenty-five Tibetan disciples, was born in 1625 in the Lithang area of Kham, Tibet, to father Kunga Dhondup and mother Konchok Dolma.
His principal teachers were Je Choekyong Gyatso, Nyame Konchok Gyaltsen, Terchen Duedul Dorje, etc. He had received many empowerments, teachings, and special instructions from them and had attained mastery over the nature of reality.
He made significant contributions by travelling to Kathok and other parts of Kham and erecting five wonderful sculptures of Guru Padmasambhava that are equivalent in blessings to the genuine Guru Padmasambhava. These five statues have a long history of supernatural manifestations of blessing, such as speaking to fortunate disciples and so on. He provided numerous profound teachings to his pupils, most notably the Luminous Space Vajra Essence (Longsel Dorje Nyingpo).
He unearthed some sixteen cycles of teachings, including the treasure teachings of the Three-Kaya Vajra Essence (Kusum Dorje Nyingpo) and the Three-Root Vajra Essence (Tsasum Dorje Nyingpo), which became the key practice of the main and branch monasteries of Kathok. He had many eminent students, including Sonam Dewu Tsen, Gyalse Kuche, Won Tashi Woeser, Kunsang Kyabdel Lhundrup, and others. He passed away at the age of 68 in the year 1692, and his body was filled with relics, which also overwhelmed everyone with admiration.
A Brief History of the Speaking Statue of Guru Padmasambhava: Built by Rigzin Longsel Nyingpo in the 16th Century
This Guru statue is located 20 kilometers from Nyag-Rong and at an altitude of 3680 meters above sea level. Earlier, Guru’s monastery was situated at this place, and later it was shifted to the current location. The duo, the patron of Choegyal Lingpa Kuwir Thekchen Lhundrup and the emanated treasure revealer Pema Khachod Wangpo, invited Rigzin Longsel Nyingpo to Goro Ogyen Ling somewhere around the years 1625–1692. He recognized the rocky mountain on the right side of the monastery as the site of Guru Dorje Droloe. Similarly, Nyagrong Lama Kyeme Dorje also stated that this place is a sacred place.
Rigzin Longsel Nyingpo built this blessed statue equal in blessing to the real Guru Padmasambhava – the Second Buddha, the patron deity of Snow Land and the only
refuge of the degenerate era – for the pacification of the sufferings of the five degenerate eras, for the spread of Buddha Dharma, and for the well-being of sentient beings, particularly for the auspicious basis for the good productivity of this land. When the lower section of the statue was finished, the upper part of the statue formed naturally. When the auspicious flowers were sprinkled at the consecration ceremony at the completion of the statue, the Guru statue said, "I cannot see Drukmo Zong," and shifted slightly towards the right side of its seat. Even today, everyone can clearly see the statue has moved almost 12 inches to the right of its seat. From then on, this statue came to be widely known as the Speaking Statue of Guru Padmasambhava. This extraordinary and highly blessed statue came into existence by the power of merit.
Daily, many people, not just from the upper, lower, and central parts of Nyagrong but also from other districts, come to see and circumambulate the statue and even to accumulate sets of circumambulations to avert their obstacles in the year.
Above all, there are also many sick people who have not recovered from any medical treatments but have been completely cured from their illness after supplicating to this Guru statue and accumulating sets of circumambulations. For a set of circumambulations, one has to circumambulate the statue one thousand times, which takes around 12 days for a young person to complete. Due to the large number of people circumambulating on Buddha's Miracle Day, Saka Dawa, and other major Buddhist festivals, it can be difficult to find space on the inner circumambulation path. Fortunate and destined devotees have witnessed special signs and blessings of the body, mind, and speech of Guru at this place during auspicious days and festivals, for instance, hearing the statue speaking, changing its facial expression, falling nectar from its body, and so forth. There are numerous fascinating stories associated with this sacred statue, but I will just share a few of them here as an example, which are both credible and clear.
Underneath the seat of the Guru statue there is a narrow hole which is believed to be a place to test whether one attains nirvana or not and the degree of one’s non- virtue. One day, when a sinful person was trapped in the hole and his associates attempted to lift the statue since they had run out of alternatives and everyone heard the Guru saying, “Stop! You transgressor!” Later the man easily escaped from the hole after confessing his previous wrongdoings and pledging not to commit wrongdoings in the future.
Also, there was a Chinese man named Boepen Hang who had immense faith in this statue. He was a member of the Chinese Liberation Army (Gongming Tang), and he used to come to the statue every year to accumulate a set of circumambulations. In 1986, he again visited the statue and asked the Guru, “Will I die this year or not?" If I am not dying, please smile a little.” When he asked that, he noticed the Guru had smiled slightly.
In 1994, Namkha Kyi, a deaf and mentally challenged girl, became capable of speaking after accumulating a few sets of circumambulations to this statue. One night, in her dream, she dreamed of Guru offering her some nectar from the skull in his hand and also giving her a teaching. The next day, she could still remember the word of the Guru, and when she asked the keeper of the guru’s statue about it, he told her that it was a word from the Compiled Teachings of Ah Treasure (Ah- Ter Kha-Due). After that, Namkha Kyi completely recovered from her illness, and she found unsurpassed faith in Guru Rinpoche and became a nun. There are many more amazing signs that she has seen of this statue, but the stories mentioned above were those witnessed by everyone.
This Guru statue has not been damaged or destroyed even during the Cultural Revolution, and such a blessed statue is hard to come across at present.
There are many other stories whose dates and people’s names are unclear. It is mainly because they were not recorded during that time, however, they are all true stories.
This is compiled by Khenpo Gyaltsen on 25/04/2022